About us
In 1980, when Minister McKenzie and I were visiting Houston, TX, having just migrated from Jamaica, W.I., the Lord spoke to my heart and gave me the name “Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministry.”
That same year, after leaving Houston, Minister McKenzie went on to Chicago, IL, and I stopped off in New York, before going to Chicago to join her. While in Chicago we were involved with various ministries but there was never an urge to start the work of the Lord there. At the ending of 1996 we moved, with our son and left Chicago to reside in New York.
While in New York, we worshipped at the Liberty Hall Church of God, under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Herbert N. Scott until 1991. It was there that the Lord spoke to us to establish the Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministry.
In May 1991, Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministry was born. After earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer, the first official service was held at People’s Baptist Church in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, NY, where we began with eight members. The church continued to grow and experience the hand of God. In the midst of growth, there was also times of struggle, but God continued to be faithful. Six months later we moved to 1913 Strauss Street in the living room of Bro. and Sis. Howard. Three souls were added to the ministry during this time.
On May 25, 1992 the church moved to 281 Sullivan Place, where the membership continued to grow. We worshipped at this location for two years, during which the membership continued to grow to a total of 25. Due to deteriorating conditions of this location we were forced to move and stepped out by faith and approached Bishop George about sharing his sanctuary with us. He extended his generosity to us and in March of 1994 our church moved to 223 East 53rd Street. After two years of worship in this location and a change of ownership, we were forced to move yet again.
We were forced to seek yet another man of God for help, and this time Pastor Downes, along with his congregation received us with open arms, and on January 28, 1996 we began worshipping at 1582 Pitkin Avenue, where we remained for another 2 years. In January of 1998, we were forced to move yet again, and we moved to 1120 Nostrand Avenue where we shared this location with Pastor Small. During the three months we were there the Lord blessed us and we were able to purchase 2094 and 2096 Nostrand Avenue, where we have worshipped ever since.
It was a great struggle, but today we join with the Apostle Paul in Acts 26:22 and say, “having obtained help from the Lord we continue unto this day.”
- Bishop Dr. Richard G. McKenzie Sr.