"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
St. Mark 16:15 (KJV)

Missionary Department
Ministry Mission Statement
The mission of the Missionary Ministry is to continuously seek to save sinful souls by spreading the Gospel message of salvation through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to strengthen families by praying for them and with them, and supporting the week and downtrodden.
Pursuing Our Mission
We do this by feeding the hungry and bereaved, providing school supplies for needy children at a local elementary school and shelter, distributing tracts, and visiting the people who are sick, shut-in, or bereaved.
Men's Department
Mission Statement
As brothers in Christ, we aim to sincerely demonstrate reconciliation, friendship, teamwork, faithfulness, forgiveness, and fellowship within and without (outside) the church.
Mission Objectives
Promote unity and trust - thru inclusive group interaction
Plan, fund and promote fellowship opportunities/activities
Teach men to be Godly fathers, husbands, workers and role models
Identify, cultivate, and promote effective leadership traits
Mentor and include youth in appropriate activities
Maintain helpful relationships through obedience, dedication, and a sincere desire to do the will of God.

Music Ministry
Purpose Statement
The mission of the Rock of Holiness Music Ministry is to proclaim the word of God through “music”. The music ministry is not an object to be admired so much as an instrument to teach, comfort, inspire, persuade, convince and motivate.
Ephesians 5:19-20
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Pastor's Aid Department
The Pastor’s Aide Committee serves as a spiritual, financial and emotional support for the Pastor and his family. Our ministry is in charge of organizing and coordinating special events that honor the Pastor. These events include Pastor's birthday and wedding anniversaries, Father’s Day, Christmas, Pastor Appreciation Days and the Church anniversary. The Committee sponsors fundraisers, coordinate church programs and works with other committees to solicit support and donations from the congregation on behalf of the Pastor. These funds are used to assist the Pastor when visiting Saints at home or in local hospitals; traveling to funerals and community service events, and assisting with official church offerings. All Committee members must have a genuine love, compassion, and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Pastor, and maintain confidentiality concerning the business of the pastor.Joining a ministry is a perfect opportunity for you to get closer to other members of our congregation, and of course to honor the sacrifices and teachings of the Lord.

Prayer Mothers
The Mother’s Board is an important element of the church structure.
Appointed to the position, by her pastor, she is a woman of wisdom and understanding. Spiritual and always prayerful, she is there to counsel the younger women on holy living; many times sharing life experiences to help and guide them in life’s daily walk.
The Mother’s Board holds to the knowledge that times may have changed but holiness remains the same!
To this end, the church mothers will teach the women on how to live holy and to practice 1 Thessalonians 4:4, “That everyone of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor!”
Sunday School Department
Our Mission Statement
Our purpose is to carry out the Great Commission which Jesus Christ gave to the Church. To win the unsaved by the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To administer the ordinances of the Church. To teach the Scripture for the purpose of building Christian character and edifying the local Church.
Our Sunday School Mission Statement
As Rock of Holiness, Sunday School teachers and workers, we hereby accept the responsibility as led by our Lord and Savior to instruct and equip others in His Word. In order to better outline that goal and means to attain it, the following guidelines are established:
We will rely upon and acknowledge the authority of the Holy Scriptures, King James Version and endeavor to stay true to the Word of God in all that will be taught.
We will teach with a goal to affirm that the Word of God is “alive” and to impart that life and excitement to those who hear it. To that goal, we will attempt to keep presentations “fresh” by changing methods of presentation, physical settings and making any other adjustments necessary.
We will teach with a goal of increasing the comprehension, retention and personal life application of God’s Word.
We will teach with a goal to demonstrate the personal nature of God’s Word to each person by attempting to get them individually and actively involved in the learning process.
We will teach with the understanding that a major goal is to disciple, train and equip all attendees to become stronger and more mature in their faith as well as being able to demonstrate Christian character in their lives.
As teachers, we realize the importance of proper preparation and all will endeavor to be in the classroom on time, prepared with all appropriate materials and ready to teach at all appointed dates/times. Additionally, should teachers be unable to be present for any reason, arrangements will be made for a replacement teacher as early as possible so that a substitute teacher may also be prepared and ready to teach.
As teachers and staff of Rock of Holiness, we realize that our ultimate goal is to honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in all that we do and will particularly strive to do that in all teaching sessions. Additionally, as part of that process, we will attempt to ensure that all attendees have ample opportunities to receive Jesus as their personal Savior and will be prepared to lead them through that process.

Ushers & Greeters
Our Theme: Giving God the Glory in Serving / Striving for Perfection.
Who We Are:
Ushers are Greeters; Psalm 84:10
Ushers are Watchers; Mark 13:34
Ushers are Doorkeepers; John 18:15-17
After preaching, teaching, and evangelism, ushering is on of the greatest ministries of the church. We, the ushers, are the people’s first impression of who and what Christ is and how this church body represents Him. We are Christ’s ambassadors, with a mission, to bring people to God. Through us, the hospitality of God is seen. We are beneficial because we are the Church. Our role is important because it is the Lord we serve. We must welcome people to the Lord’s House with a smile that speaks more than a thousand words. We help reach and keep people coming to church. The usher duties can be summed up in a few words – making people feel welcome at church, assisting pastors and other clergies, assisting with seating, collecting the offering, and maintaining a safe environment. It is our desire to serve God’s people and leave a lasting impression upon them.
Youth Department
Mission Statement
The mission of the Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministry is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. Our goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him only.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to respond to the social and spiritual needs of the youth within our church and community by providing relative programs, activities, and events that will allow them to build a strong foundation of faith that will enable them to express and share their faith through their own words, actions and deeds; to encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as people of faith while providing volunteer services to the community.